Today we had the great joy of celebrating Sister Frances’s Golden Jubilee. Many of her family, young and old, came to the Mass of thanksgiving and for the dinner afterwards. Sister Frances entered the Carmel of Edinburgh on 15th August, 1971, and when it closed on 1st September, 1983, she came to Dysart Carmel. In his homily, Father Brian spoke of how, as a teenager, she became a Marian aide to the Little sisters of the Poor, and often cared for the elderly. Later in Carmel, she has frequently cared for the old sisters as infirmarian. Today the sisters were able to chat to the guests, and in the evening, we got up some entertainment to celebrate, and finished it by giving her some presents. One was hand-made by Sister Sandra from plastic resin and flowers from the garden. Another was a new set of Breviaries. Sister Frances has been using her old ones for several hours every day for the last 50 years, and they were beginning to show signs of wear and tear! We thank God, and Sister Frances, for all she does for our community.